If you have not already installed the program, please see the following website where you will find a link to the download site and more information: https://onlinebible.com/olb-en.

A. To start with, the Online Bijbel contains an extensive introduction

You can find this in the menu item Help. Then select Tutorial. This describes the various buttons and icons.

Instead of the Tutorial, you can also select "Table of contents". And when asked "Use web based help", choose which has your preference. 

B. You can also choose to read on for a list of the main features.

The main features of the Online bible are:

  1. Reading the Bible in different translations.

    To open a Bible click the most left icon (a book). In the pop-up screen choose the Bible book, chapter and verse you want, and you open a Bible at that place. To know which Bibles are shown, and which is automatically selected, see the following article: Setting up the favourites 

  2. Opening a commentary.

    There are quite a few commentaries in the Online Bible. More details how to work with these can be found here: Using commentaries

  3. Opening a Bible dictionary.

    There are several Bible Dictionaries available for the Online Bible. By double-clicking on a word in the text, you will get a pop-up table of all disctionaries where this word is available. Select one and read the contents. For more information: Using the dictionaries

  4. Using Strongs numbers.

    Strong numbers can be a great help when you are not really familiar with Greek or Hebrew. A number of translations have been linked to Strong numbers. When Strong numbers are available, you will see the symbol (S#) at the top of the screen.
    To find out more about Strong numbers, and how you can use them, in the following articles:

    What are Strong numbers and how to use them

    Using Hebrew and Greek lexicons

    Using Strong numbers in search criteria

  5. Parallel versions (Interlinear).

    With the Online Bible it is east to compare translations. That can be verse for verse interlinear), called parallel versions, or in two separate screens next to or under each other. See the following article: Comparing translations

  6. Searching in the Online Bible

    A main feature is searching for words, phrases or combinations of words. The possibilities are quite extensive. Refer this article for a further description of the details: Searching in the Bible

  7. Reading a book:

    Besides Bible translations, commentaries, dictionaries and lexicons, the Online Bible contains a number of books. Te main difference with a commentary is that they are not accecced by chapter/verse, but by an index of the book. They are read like an e-reader. They can contain hyperlnks to Bibles etc.

    They can be opened in two ways:

    1. In the menu choosing File >> Open >> Books.

      This results in a pop-up list of the books. Choose one, click on OK, and this should lead to an index. You can choose which chapter you want to read. 

    2. On the left side of the screen you should see tabs for "Library" and "Favourites". If you do not see that, press F9 and select the tab Library. You now see a structure of all available titles. The books are there multiple times, depending on the relevant category. You can, for instance, select on author or title, but also on specific categories. 

  8. Taking your own Notes within the Online Bible.

    When you install the Online Bible an empty commentary "Notes" is created (in My Douments/Bible). You can either start a new own commentary with a different name, or just use this standard name. If you click a verse number with the right mouse button and choose Open commentary, you can select Notes. You are now in your Notes file, probably emty at that verse. By typing an E you go to the editor and can make any relevant note. And when you have finished, press Save (most left icon). We hope to add an article aboutthis in the future, but in the meantime, if you require assisitance raise a ticket (top right of this screen). 

  9. Cross references

    The Online Bible contains cross references for (almost) all verses. These can be called up in a number of different ways: 

    In an opened Bible the cross references can be found by ensuring the required verse is at the top of the window, then with the right mouse button calling up the menu and selecting "View Cross References". This will open a new Window with the cross reference verses. 

    You can also ensure the cursor is in the required window and press the small icon # just above the window, or in the main menu chosing View, then Cross References. 

  10. Footnotes

    Some Bibles contain footnotes or inline comments. These can also be seen in the Online Bible. They are shown in a different font, and in brackets. 

    These can be toggles on or off, either via the menu: View >> Footnotes, of with the menu called up with the right mouse button and then selecting Toggle Footnotes.

    Note: There is also an option "Variants". What is shown where depends on the translation.


    Bookmarks can be created to be able to find a specific place back again. The functionality is less extensive than in Android/iOS but still useable. You can go to your stored bookmarks with the bookmark icon in the icon bar (or by pressing F5). 

  12. Highlighting

    Words or pharases can be highlighted (with either a colour or a font change). To do this, select the text, and from the pop-up menu with the right mouse button, select "Annotate this Bible Verse with colour or text style". This shows the selected verse in a pop-up window with the options to change colours and font.

    Removing the highlighting works the same.

  13. Verse list

    A verse list can be created containing a variety of verses, adding different verses over time. This list can then be printed, displayed in a separate window or put in the clipboard. Only one verse list is available at one point in time.

    To add a verse, ensure the cursor is on the correct verse, and either press A, or with the menu brought up with the right mouse button choose "Add to verse list".

    To see/edit the entire verse list, press F11 or choose the scroll icon. You can also go to the main menu: File >> Open My Files >> Verse List. To print or export the verselist choose the option Clipboard Save an use other Windows  

  14. Backups

    It is possible to make a backup of installed modules, and all own data, such as desktops, bookmarks and notes. We strongly recommend doing this to avoid anything being lost if your computer has hard drive problems. It is also a simple way to transfer your Online Bible to a new computer of laptop.

    For more information on backups see Backup and restore.

  15. Copying from the Online Bible

    There are two ways to copy text from the Online Bible to a word processor. All modules can be copied. However, keep in mind that many titles are copyrighted. Text may be copied, but the amount should be reasonable.

    • Using the right mouse button in the Bible text, highlight text and choose copy to clipboard. Choose paste in the word processor.

    • Highlight text, press the key combination CTRL+C (copy), then go to the word processor and Press CTRL+V (paste). The text is now copied. You can copy several texts at once. You will find there is a limit to the length of text you can select at once.

  16. Screen layout

    In the menu at the top, select Window. You can now choose the desired Layout by clicking on it. It will then be applied immediately and next time you go to the menu you will see which is selcted. If you want to reorder everything we suggest not choosing Classic.  In those cases we advise Tile Horizontal or Tile Vertical to first try.

  17. For Professional Premium Users

    For Professional Premium users, there are a few modules that require some explanation. As this is a fairly extensive subject, we have put this in a separate article. You can find it here: Professional Premium

  18. More windows with biblical texts next to each other: besides the function Interlinear (see at 5) where different translations can be compared in one window, it is also possible to compare different texts in separate windows. That just gives more possibilities. You can find more about that here: More windows with bibletexts side-by-side

It is possible to copy all own settings, including bookmarks, highlighting and notes from one Windows computer to another. However, it is not possible to copy them to Android, iOS or Mac. 

And finally

You might like to consider becoming a Premium User. The WIndows program, the apps, and quite a bit of content are free and downloaded regularly. Especially in some developing countries this is the only way they can have access to the Bible. But obviously there are costs involved. By becoming a Premium User you are helping to make all this possible.