It is possible to open more windows simultaneously so that you can easily compare Bible texts.

With the Interlinear function it is already possible to compare a Bible text in different translations among each other. That is already a very nice feature, with more screens simultaneously even more is possible.

Just e.g. 3 screens looks like this:

To open an additional window, choose the red booklet in the icon bar, on the far left:

Put a Checkmark in the box: Open New Window and choose the desired text a the desired Bible translation:

A second ( or third etc ) window will now open.

You can decide whether the text in the first window should be the same as the text in the already opened window or not. 

You do this by clicking in the window with the Bible text with the right mouse button. A pop-up window will open:

If you put a check mark in Toggle Synchronizing of this Window, that window will show the same Bible text, if you leave out the check mark, by clicking on the box the window may show a different text.

Closing a window is done by clicking on the black cross in the top right corner of the window.

Sometimes the windows still do not run synchronously. Then go to Window, at the very top of the bar. Click on it and put a V at Synchronize Scrolling as desired: