Our support group consists of volunteers who are also users of the Online Bible.
Because the Online Bible is a small organisation and not able to answer all questions from users, we attempt to answer any questions or issues that you have with the software. Our motivation is that we like this piece of software and want to help others being able to use it as well. The various volunteers in our group have different backgrounds and levels of experience. At this moment they all live in The Netherlands (Europe).
Help will normally consist of emails, but we might also be able to use Zoom or other methods of communication. It is up to you what you do with any advice we might offer, and we take no responsibility for any problems that might arise from this advice.
Please bear in mind that neither the "Stichting Online Bible" nor the volunteers have any responsibility for the functioning of the program, for the right to use it or any purchases you might have made. They have no access to any administration with user details and/or purchase information. We only offer support in installing and using the software.