This article only applies to the Windows version of the Online Bible. It does not apply to the apps in Android, iOS or the Mac. 

If you are missing a number of titles in a Windows environment, this can have a number of causes: 

  1. A number of modules are released as locked content. You have license codes for this material, but have not unlocked the modules in the Online Bible
  2. You have entered all codes for locked content, but have not set the favorites i.e. which modules are shown. For more information see the following article Setting up the favourites
  3. You have downloaded the Online Bible (not possible in all countries) but still miss titles you used to have when using a dvd/cd.  

Entering license codes 

A number of modules are not immediately available in the Online Bible. Some are distributed together with a license codes. These codes have to be entered in the program after installation (or after purchase of the module). To enter license codes for to "Tools" in the menu, and choose Add Locked Material. 

On the next screen you might see a list of material that is locked. In this list find the titles for which you have a code. Do not just look for the titles you are missing as the code you have might be valid for a range of titles and it will not work for indivudual ones. 

Select the correct module (colour changes to blue) Fill in the User Name exactly as it apprears in the document and enter the Access Code. THen press enter, and that title should disappear from the list.  In the majority of cases where the code did not work we found that the  name had been entered differently. It is not just your name, but the exact name as given on the document with the code, including punctuation marks. In almost all other cases where the code was not accepted it was because the wrong module had been selected.

Also an old document will not work. It must be the latest version of the document you received.