During installation files are stored in three locations. To uninstall the program, these files can be removed with Windows explorer. No registry changes are made. 

We strongly advise not to change the standard locations as this often causes problems, if not initially, then during future updates. If you want the files stored in different locations, this should be accomplished by Windows settings, and not by changing the location during installation.

The three types of files, and the related locations are:

  1. Program files. These go with other program files. 
  2. Supplied content such as translations. If multiple users share the same computer. These go in shared documents.
  3. Personal settings, such as desktops, personal notes and annotations. These are stored in "My documents". Desktops include screen layout, favourites, open resources and much more.

To find the precise location there is a function in the Online Bible: Windows resources. 

This shows the exact location of the files:

In cases where you want to ensure that all files have been removed, we suggest searching for the word Bible in Windows explorer, and checking the results.

If you want to only remove the program you can simply delete the files in the directory shown above as "Exec Path". However, if you experience problems it is often worthwhile to also remove the "Shared Data". 

Caution: Make sure you have a backup before removing the files in the directory marked "Data Path", as your own settings will not be reinstalled during installation and these will be lost.