The Online Bible program and all associated Bibles and books can be downloaded from the site
In the past, however, the package was delivered on DVD.
Most of today's computers don't have a DVD anymore.
It happens that owners of an Online Bible DVD still want to use it.
There are a couple of options that we discuss here.
1. For as little as € 30, you can purchase an external DVD player, which is connected to your computer via a USB port. That way, you can use the Online Bible DVD as you did in the past.
2. On another computer that does have a DVD player, copy all files from the Online Bible DVD to an external hard drive or external SSD. These files must be placed in that external drive in the root. You can connect this external drive to your computer, and then use the explorer on that drive SetUp.exe start the program. Online Bible is then installed on your computer in the same way as a DVD would.
3. You can also copy the Online Bible DVD to the root of a USB flash drive on another computer, and then perform an installation just like with the external drive. The USB stick must be at least 4Gb in size, otherwise the DVD usually does not fit on it. Keep in mind that many USB sticks are very slow, so copying and installing takes a lot of time.
4. If you have access to a network in which a computer has a DVD player, this DVD player can be shared in the network. You can then connect your computer to the DVD player over the network, and install the Online Bible that way.
5. On another computer with a DVD player, you can install the Online Bible in its entirety on a USB stick. You can then use the Online Bible USB stick on any other computer.